Saturday, July 16, 2016

CloudRail and Crashlytics

In mobile apps, adding one thing leads to another and so I ended up using Twitter's Fabric / Crashlytics.

Prior to that, I was lucky to have the good guys from CloudRail introduce their fantastic library that communicates with four major cloud storage providers (Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, and Box). This came about at the same time Dropbox announced the retirement of v1 of their APIs. As the most requested features for MoneyManagerEx for Android were the support for some of these services, this was a great match. A unified interface to different cloud providers was something I was expecting to create in order to provide multiple storage providers for data synchronization anyway, and architecturally this solution fit perfectly into the app's roadmap.

After adding this, of course, various issues appeared. This is almost a given on even the quietest releases. Just after Beta testing for at least a week does not produce any exceptions, rest assured that publishing an app to Production will result in a torrent of exception logs. Various devices, operating systems, and network environments, mixed with different user levels will invariably result in infinite number of possibilities for exceptions.

This torrent of exception reports is becoming an overkill for a custom default uncaught exception handler. Plus the custom solution depends heavily on users actually willing to submit the report via email. Over the past several months, this solution really shows its age and is becoming unmaintainable as the number of users constantly grows. And, as I've found out only later, the stack trace produced in this manner does not include all the useful information. With multithreading being used ever more for even the simplest tasks, the log covering the crashing thread does not produce the full picture of what exactly went wrong, especially if there are several layers of libraries. So, an issue with SSL parsing in OpenSSL might cause OneDrive part of CloudRail to fail, in turn resulting in an exception during the initialization of the sync service which is set up to use Dropbox as the provider!

This level of logging only becomes possible by introducing a specialized automated exception reporting solution.

This lead to dusting off my Fabric account and adding Crashlytics to the app. The results are simply stunning. Real-time reports show the exceptions as they happen. Now, without relying on users' submission, I do not need to bug users to send exception reports manually any longer.

Another great benefit is that the caught exceptions can now be reported, too. Adding a whole bunch of try/catch blocks muted these errors and prevented the app from crashing but in reality did nothing to handle the root cause. Now I can log any of these caught exceptions and report them. Then, whichever one tops the list, it will get addressed and the related code improved further. Specific cases, like missing files, DNS errors, and so on, can be specifically handled and the user notified. This way they can be properly handled and excluded from the exception logs.

So, overall, lots of fun introducing two new features/libraries - CloudRail and Crashlytics. It is one of those moments when one asks himself how the world existed before this. Should I mention that both are free to use, even though they are not Open Source? If they remain so, they will probably have a historic impact on technology implementation by improving outreach (CloudRail) and handling the user experience quality (Crashlytics). Thanks, guys!

Happy development to you all.

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